Our Ladies



OFA Prelim- Hips “Good” & Elbows “Normal”

OFA Finals- “Hips- Excellent & Elbows- Norma”

OFA Cardiac- Normal

OFA Eyes- “ Normal”

DNA “Clear” for all Genetic Diseases Tested for on the Labrador Retriever panel including the following… HNPK, EIC, PRA-PRCD

2 passes towards JHU AKC Title

AKC Master Hunter Sired

Vera is 70 lbs. and solid white with solid but athletic conformation. This gal is a true LOVE of a dog, she melts for those who give her attention and will be finishing her Therapy Dog Certification. She has a very laid back personality with nice drive and has been quite naturally a fabulous companion.


Margot, CGC

OFA Prelim- “Hips- Excellent & Elbows- Normal”

OFA Cardiac- “appointment pending”

OFA Eyes- “appointment pending”

DNA “Clear” for all Genetic Diseases Tested for on the Labrador Retriever Panel

AKC GrandChampion and Senior Hunter Sired

Margot is an up and coming beauty queen, she will mature around 60-65 lbs. and hopefully pending passing her future health tests will become a member of our Breeding Program.

Thus far, she has been enjoyable to train, has a very mellow attitude and loves to retrieve.


Retired from Breeding, Prim is the mother to Vera, Margot & Opal

Proud Grandmother to Tilly, Goose and Rye


OFA Finals- Hips “Excellent” & Elbows “Normal”

OFA Cardiac- “Normal”

OFA Eyes- Normal (CERF Cleared annually)

PennHIP- 90% “Excellent” score

DNA “Clear” for all Genetic Diseases Tested for on the Labrador Retriever Panel

Prim is Perfect. There are so many qualities that this girl has I could not list them all if I tried. She weighs in around 55 lbs. and has a slim but agile build. Prim acts like a housecat in our home and has passed on that coveted behavioral quality to her puppies. She is nice to be around, is a smart dog and she always strives to please. Prim was extremely simple to train and continues to learn new things for just a smile and a pet on the head. Both Vera and Margot are her daughters and are half-sisters each wit a different and very accomplished sire.